Happy Hump day, everyone! Boy am I glad we are at the middle of the week! Partly because that means we are getting close to the weekend. But the other part because it's time to push aside what ever failures we've had this week and start anew. We need to remember to be mindful of what we are doing ... VIEW POST
#bloggingedumacation – How to Make a Twitter List
With all of the giveaways in blog land happening, sometimes my twitter feed can get bogged down...whether it be with new people that I followed after entering a giveaway that I really might not know yet, or giveaway tweets or whatever it might be. Sometimes I can't find my twitter friends when they ... VIEW POST
A Fabulous You – Health and Fitness
Hey y'all! Happy Hump Day!! Two more days and the weekend will be here! Woot Woot! ;) haha So, today I'd like to share with you a side of me that maybe you may not know a whole lot about. In college I studied Kinesiology which is a big fancy science word for the study of human movement. I received ... VIEW POST
Literary Junkies Link Party V.3
Hey! Hey! Welcome to the THIRD Literary Junkies Link PAR-TAY!! Lesley (By the Porchlight) and I are so excited for this link party to be here again!! Yay!! So, if you are new to this PAR-TAY, here are the questions that you need to answer in a blog post and link up with us!! :) 1. Which book ... VIEW POST
#bloggingedumacation – Making the Switch to WordPress
Previously, I wrote about Why I Chose WordPress. In this #bloggingedumacation Lesson, I'm going to talk about what it takes to make the switch to Wordpress. First, when I say making the switch to WordPress, I'm actually referring to WordPress.org and not WordPress.com There is a difference. ... VIEW POST