Recently I've been chatting about the various things you should be doing daily for your blog. You can catch up with all of my previous #bloggingedumacation posts by clicking here. Today, we are chatting about your blog email. Now some people are super organized with their email. And some people are ... VIEW POST
#bloggingedumacation: How to Share Someone Else’s Content
In this #bloggingedumacation lesson, I'm going to teach you the proper way to share another blogger's content. Here's the scenario: You're looking for great content to share for your Friday Favorites Post or you're looking for some amazing Cheesecake Recipes to share in a Cheesecake Roundup. So ... VIEW POST
#bloggingedumacation: How to Make Money Blogging (part 1)
This post contains Affiliate Links. Let's face it. Blogging takes up A LOT of time and is A LOT of work. It makes me laugh to hear someone just brush off someone who says they are a blogger. Obviously, they have no clue what it takes to be a blogger. And how hard you have to work to become a ... VIEW POST
#bloggingedumacation – Building Community
Today's Blogging Edumacation is all about Building Community OUTSIDE of your blog. If you are in for the long haul with blogging, building your blogging community is extremely important. It's almost as important as the content you publish. So let's chat about how you can build your blog community ... VIEW POST
#bloggingedumacation – 8 Blog Must Haves
ONE | Contact Information It is extremely important to have accessible contact information on your blog. You can either do this by having a tab in your Navigation bar or within your social media buttons on your sidebar. If it takes longer than a few seconds for someone to find your contact ... VIEW POST