Happy Tuesday!! It's time for another Literary Junkies Link Party!! <a href="http://pinkheelspinktruck.com" target="_blank"><img alt="Pink Heels Pink Truck" src="http://pinkheelspinktruck.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Literary-Junkies-Button.png" width="250" height="250" ... VIEW POST
Literary Junkies Link Party
Happy Tuesday!! It's time for another Literary Junkies Link Party!! Grab our button, grab the questions below, write your post and link up with us!! Our link party is now happening the LAST TUESDAY of every month (so mark your calendars!!). Literary Junkies Hosts: Christine from Life with ... VIEW POST
#literaryjunkies Link Party
Are you ready for Literary Junkies Tuesday! It's time to link up with Christine, Megan and I and make sure to join us at 7pm CST on Twitter for our chat about Where'd You Go, Bernadette? Here is what we will be reading for June and July! These are supposed to be really great ... VIEW POST
Literary Junkies Link Party
Hey, you! You, over there! You like books? You're gonna love this link-up! Once a month, the Literary Junkies meet to chat about all things bookish. We also have an online book club where we meet the third Tuesday of every month on Twitter to chat about our book of the month. Participants can ... VIEW POST
Literary Junkies Link Party
It's the third Tuesday of the month again which means it's time for the Literary Junkies link-up brought to you by Taylor from Pink Heels Pink Truck and Lesley from By the Porchlight! This month we have Cassie from Southeast by Midwest co-hosting with us. Blog // Facebook // ... VIEW POST