I get asked all the time what is the secret of success. People want to know how to drop their weight as quickly as possible. What diets work, what exercises work, what supplements work. I wish I had like a go-to answer that was true for everyone. But unfortunately, health and fitness is not one-size fits all. And it’s definitely not a quick thing. Yeah, sure, water weight will fly pretty quickly. But lasting weight loss takes work. It’s a lifestyle, not a 10-day program.
Here is the equation to help you get to your weight loss goal (or any goal for that matter): 60-70% Nutrition + 30-40% Fitness = Your goal.
Nutrition makes up 60-70% of getting to your goal. Even if you were working out 7 days/week (which I do not recommend), it wouldn’t really matter if your nutrition wasn’t under control. That’s how important nutrition is to your end result. So, I’m sure you are wondering…what do I need to eat? Again, it’s different for everyone. The basics aren’t different though: 45-65% Carbohydrates, 10-35% Protein and 20-35% Fat (not the bad kind…saturated..the saturated kind needs to be consumed as sparingly as possible). The reason it’s different for everyone is that everyone has different triggers as to why they eat something. When you can figure out what your triggers are, you’ll be that much closer to accomplishing your goals. Because most of us are emotional eaters. We may think we do really good, but once we are consumed by emotions, our eating good goes out the window.
I highly recommend journaling. Keep track of what you eat. Keep track of your emotions with regards to what you are eating and when you are eating. Set yourself up on MyFitnessPal. It’s a great way to set a goal for yourself (calorie-wise based on your weight loss goal). Keep a journal too though because MyFitnessPal does not allow you to record what time you eat which is an important factor and it doesn’t allow you to record your thoughts/feelings in relation to your food consumption.
Does this seem overwhelming to you? I can help. I have a 12-Week Lifestyle Health Program. That’s me coaching you over 12 weeks. Email me for more info. 😉
This is great! Good post. I’m really interested in this 12 wk program. Especially since I finally got fed up with myself and re-joined the gym today.
I think journaling is a good way of keeping track as well…and holding you accountable.
Taylor is that you in that pic?
Thanks so much for this post! I need to lose weight, but i get so frustrated with it. I need to just calm down and remember that I didn’t get this big in one day, so it is gonna take more than one day to get thinner.
So my link goes live on Thursday morning…you’ve made me add American Heiress to my list of “want to reads”
Hey Taylor! Great post! I like the layout of your plan. I follow you on Instagram and your pics are so cute I had to check out your website. So great! I noticed that you are going to Blissdom! I will also be there! I would love to connect and meet you! Stay in touch! xoxo
I’ve been using myfitnesspal for 2 weeks straight as of today. I lost almost two pounds last week but gained less than a pound this week. I know what I did wrong so I’m trying to move forward with a positive attitude. Anyway, I needed this post this morning, so thanks! 🙂
Lacey @ CHARM + Sass