Fall is just around the corner and if you've been reading my posts lately, you've already been reading that I cannot wait!! LOL Football has started, the weather is starting to change (although I wish Texas would hurry up and get with the program!), PSL's are back at Starbucks and it's just a really ... VIEW POST
Beauty: DIY Green Tea & Citrus Body Butter
I've been on a kick lately on homemade beauty products. I recently tried this DIY Strawberry Hair Mask that I shared with you last week...so divine! Albeit somewhat messy. LOL But it takes work to pamper yourself sometimes. ;) I even mixed together a DIY Split End Treatment that had my ends feeling ... VIEW POST
The BEST DIY Beauty Ideas
Who's a fan of DIY Beauty Recipes? The make your own variety? ME ME ME ME! I've actually got a hair mask in my hair right now. (1 Tbsp of coconut oil, 1 tsp vitamin E oil....heat up and apply to the ends. Leave in overnight and amazingness!). I've rounded up some of my DIY Beauty Ideas on my blog ... VIEW POST
DIY Lavender Bath Soak
Hiiiiiiiii friends! How are you all doing? Making it through the spring weather alright? It's done nothing but rain here for weeks and weeks. It has been driving me crazy being stuck in side so often. However there is one good thing that comes with being stuck inside, more time for do it yourself ... VIEW POST
#beautyforless DIY Body Scrub
Hi, friends! It's a been a long month since I have been here last and we chatted budget friendly skincare. I turned 30 and that made me oh so sad, I'm actually still in denial about it. I've come to realize that the humidity in New Jersey is just god awful and does nothing for my skin. I've been ... VIEW POST