Hi, friends! When I first started hanging out over here we talked about my 5 favorite DIY Hair Masks, and how I was a huge fan of DIY Beauty. I'm always trying out new things and coming up with new at-home recipes that I can use. I have no interest in spending $$$ at a spa monthly. I like to give ... VIEW POST
Sunday Sharefest v.9
This weekend I've been hanging out with my bestie at Antique Alley. She's got a handmade shop called, CoraLou's Creations, featuring headbands for little girls, fabric garlands, rompers for baby girls up to 1T-2T and some other fun things. I like to be crafty too so I whipped up some Spice Rack ... VIEW POST
#BeautyForLess: Fall Beauty Essentials
I can not believe that it is actually going to be Fall in about a week, can you? I feel like just yesterday it was over 100 degrees and I was loving it. That's not to say that I don't love me some Fall, from sweaters and boots to vampy and berry shades, I am a huge fan. I always like to do ... VIEW POST
#BeautyForLess: Hair Care
Hi, friends! Can you all believe it's the end of August? I certainly can not. Summer weather is something that can wreak havoc on our hair, it's important to have a good routine in place so you can keep your hair looking it's best. Some will tell you that you need to buy high-end hair ... VIEW POST
#beautyforless DIY Body Scrub
Hi, friends! It's a been a long month since I have been here last and we chatted budget friendly skincare. I turned 30 and that made me oh so sad, I'm actually still in denial about it. I've come to realize that the humidity in New Jersey is just god awful and does nothing for my skin. I've been ... VIEW POST