This #NOEXCUSES™ Full Body Workout is a timed workout. Each exercise will be completed for 60 seconds. You’ll complete each exercise in the list and then repeat 2-3 times. You can use dumbbells or bands to make it more of a challenge. However, the only exercise you’ll actually need weights for is the Bicep Curls at the end. If you don’t have dumbbells, use bands. If you don’t have bands, grab a milk jug or a can of air freshener. Anything that you can curl (your purse would work too!) 😉
Let’s talk about the exercises…Remember to perform each exercise for 60 seconds. Give yourself 10-30 sec rest period in between exercises. Repeat 2-3x’s through.
LUNGES: Walking Lunges
PLANK JACKS: Get in a Pushup Position. Make sure your core is tight. Stabilize your shoulders/arms. Now start performing a jumping jack with your legs.
TRICEP DIPS: Find a chair (a sturdy one) or a coffee table or the ledge of a bathtub. Sit on said item. Place your hands beside your hips, grip the edge. With your arms as your anchor to the chair/table/bathtub, walk your feet out so that your hips and rear are no longer touching. Lower yourself down (aka a “dip”) to where your elbows form a 90 degree angle. Raise yourself back up. Core stays tight throughout the movement. You can either keep your knees bent (easier) or straighten your legs out (harder).
HIGH KNEES: This is like jogging in place except your goal is to bring your knees up as high as you can.
SQUATS + FRONT LEG KICKS: Stand with your feet hip width apart. Squat down. Pay attention so that your knees don’t push over your toes when you are in the squat. Stand back up and shift your weight to one side and bring the opposite side knee up and then kick with the lower portion of your leg. Repeat the squat and then kick with the other leg. 15 each side. Core tight! Hold on to dumbbells to make more challenging.
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS: Get in a Pushup Position. Make sure your core is tight. Stabilize your shoulders/arms. Bring one knee towards the outside of your same side shoulder. Repeat on both sides, alternating.
PUSHUPS: Either regular or modified on your knees.
SQUATS + SIDE LEG LIFTS: Stand hip width apart. Squat down. When you stand back up, center your weight over to one leg and raise your opposite leg out to the side. (Side leg lift). Make sure your toe stays pointing forward. Alternate both sides.
CRUNCHES: Regular Crunches. Make sure your core stays tight (belly button towards spine).
BICEP CURLS: Can be performed with or without weight or resistance bands. Stand with feet hip width apart, arms down by your side. Core tight. Slowly bring hands up (bending at the elbow, palms facing forward) towards shoulders and lower back down. Core tight!
Want more #NOEXCUSES™ Workout Routines?? Click here!
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I am addicted to working out…well, I guess I should say I’m addicted to the fabulous feeling I get AFTER I work out…and I’m always looking for fresh workouts. I will be trying this one. Thanks!!