I’m back at it today with another #NOEXCUSES Workout…a Full Body Workout!! You can check out all the workouts in these series by clicking here. The purpose of the #NOEXCUSES Workout series is simple. It’s exercise routines that you can perform practically anywhere. No gym membership required! So….#NOEXCUSES!! PS…have you signed up for the August #NOEXCUSES Fitness Challenge? Read all about it here!! Sign up by July 31st to be eligible for prizes!
On to the workout…
Warm-Up: 5-10 minutes
Burpees: Start by standing up straight, arms by your sides, feet hip width apart. Squat down and place your palms face down on the floor in front of you. Kick your legs behind you so you are in a push-up position. Pull your legs back under you into the squat position, keeping your palms face down on the floor. Stand and then jump in the air, bringing your arms over your head to reach for the ceiling. When you land, that is one full burpee. Remember to keep your core tight throughout the entire movement.
Pushups: Either regular or modified on your knees.
Crunches: Lay on your back. Place your hands behind your head with your finger tips touching your ears. Knees are bent. Perform a crunch by contracting your ab muscles and lifting your shoulders off the ground. You will be making the shape of a ‘C’ with your spine. Exhale when you perform the crunch. Inhale when you lower back down.
Squats: Start by standing up straight. Feet hip width apart. Core tight. Lower down into a squat position, focusing on pushing backward with your hips (like you are reaching for a chair with your rear) and making sure your knees do not push over your toes. Slowly stand back up.
Tricep Dips: Find a chair (a sturdy one) or a coffee table or the ledge of a bathtub. Sit on said item. Place your hands beside your hips, grip the edge. With your arms as your anchor to the chair/table/bathtub, walk your feet out so that your hips and rear are no longer touching. Lower yourself down (aka a “dip”) to where your elbows form a 90 degree angle. Raise yourself back up. Core stays tight throughout the movement. You can either keep your knees bent (easier) or straighten your legs out (harder).
Mountain Climbers: Get back into the pushup position (plank position but your arms are completely straight). Bring your left knee in towards your chest. Return to start position. Repeat on right side. Repeat back and forth. Keep your core tight.
Sumo Squats: Start by standing up straight. Feet wider than hip width apart. Core tight. Lower down into a squat position (you will be squatting wide like a sumo wrestler), focusing on pushing backward with your hips (like you are reaching for a chair with your rear) and making sure your knees do not push over your toes. Slowly stand back up.
Jumping Jacks
Wall Sit: Find a sturdy wall. Place your back flat against the wall and slowly walk your feet out and lower your body down into a sitting position. Goal is to have a 90 degree angle at your knee and a 90 degree angle at your hip. Core tight!
Repeat 3 times through.
Cool Down: 5 minutes plus stretching!!
**As always, please consult with your physician prior to starting any exercise program!**
Let me know if you have any questions!! Either send me an email or leave me a comment!

Get it, girl!
How ofen is this full body workout required a week?
How long before changing routine? a week? a month?