This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of 16 Water online. All opinions are 100% my own.
Water. It’s the bees knees. Right? 😉 You are probably rolling your eyes right about now. But hear me out. How much water are you drinking daily?? Probably not enough. Think about this…if our bodies are made up of about 60% water, don’t you think that drinking water to maintain our bodies would be at the forefront of everyone’s minds all the time?? Sadly, it’s not. I get it. I get it. What’s special about water? Well for one thing, it helps keep our body hydrated. Another thing, it helps to flush toxins out of our body. There are a lot of really great benefits to drinking water. So back to my question…how much water are you drinking daily??
Your goal should be to drink 1/2 your bodyweight in fluid ounces every day. So if you weigh 150lbs, you would need to consume 75 fluid ounces of water every day. Ever feel thirsty? That’s your body telling you that you are already about 1 quart of water behind. I’m telling you…drink your water!!!
Here are 5 tips to Drinking More Water:
1. Flavor it with fruit, veggies or even herbs. Think berries, lemons, cucumbers, apples, cinnamon and mint as different options. I used to hear this all the time…I don’t like the taste of water. I need something that tastes good. Flavor it up!
2. Buy a fancy-schmancy water bottle. If it prompts you to drink more water…go buy you a new water bottle!!
3. Set water goals for yourself. Take a water bottle or water cup of your choosing. Measure out the different increments of water in ounces on the outside (use a sharpie or tape or washi tape…get creative). And write down a time on each line…so maybe you want to drink 10 oz of water every hour you are at work. Each line will represent the hour goal and the distance between your lines in the 10 oz’s.
4. Before you eat a meal, drink a glass of water. The water will help fill your stomach up and start sending messages to your brain about being full. It won’t happen right away, but while you are eating, your brain will start processing that you are getting full…which helps in reducing the potential to over-eat. Water also helps in digestion! Win-win!
5. Always keep water with you. No matter where you go. If you know me IRL, you know that I almost always have a bottle of water or a glass of water with me. I keep a case of water in my car. I usually have a bottle of water in my purse. I’ve just made it habit so that I’m never on short-supply of water. Make the effort. Make it a habit! Your body will thank you! I promise!!
So, I already know what you are going to say. When I drink all the water, I pee all the time. This I know. But let me just tell you this…go with it. Your body will eventually figure out what you are doing and regulate all the things inside so that you aren’t looking for a restroom break every 10-15 minutes.
If you are an active person, your water intake needs to be higher. When you are working out, you need to consume about 8 oz of water every 30 minutes. Remember you are sweating. You need to replace your sweat. Plus you need to help your body out…water will help regulate your internal temperature.
Have y’all heard about 16 Water online? Let me introduce you to them…
- 16 Water is a truly natural water filtered through natural filtration and purification processes
- 16 Water is a natural wonder from a world away, the tropical volcanic island of Jeju, South Korea
- With natural filtration origins come natural minerals and this makes 16 Water a rare source of both great taste and essential nutrients for body
First off…this water is crisp. Can water actually be crisp? I have no scientific idea but this one is crisp. And it’s refreshing (water is definitely supposed to be that!) 😉 I don’t feel like I’m drinking bottled water (you know what I’m talking about??). A definite plus for me.
And here’s the bonus…you don’t have to go all the way over to the tropical volcanic island of Jeju, South Korea to find 16water. Amazon will deliver it right to your door! SO CONVENIENT!! A pack of 20 is $37.18 and if you are a Prime member, you can get it in 2-days!! Get your 16 Water on Amazon now!!
If you are in the Dallas area, check your local Kroger for 16 Water!!
This is an amazing water, y’all. Seriously. Go say hi to 16 Water on Facebook and tell them Taylor @ Pink Heels Pink Truck sent ya! 😉
PS…don’t forget to drink your water!!!!! And check out all of my other #NOEXCUSES™ Fitness Posts…tips and workouts!!

(Where I Party)
I used to keep a 1L water bottle at my desk and then I was CONSTANTLY drinking it. I need to remember to bring it back to work 🙂
I’ve been drinking water like a fish since May 2013, when I found out I was pregnant, and I haven’t stopped. I drink 150-200 ounces of water a day. I feel so much better because of it. 🙂
I’m a BIG water drinker! Like carry a camelbak bottle with me & fill it a cajillion times a day!
I am a huge water drinker, I have a big glass as soon as I wake up and drink all day long. It makes a huge difference. On days when I am not at home or get off schedule and don’t drink as much water I can definitely tell.
I figured out when I was pregnant with my second child that the best way to get myself to drink more H20 is to add a lemon. I still can’t get enough of it even without the pregnancy cravings! haha great tips!
The best way for me to drink water is to not have many other options. Easy access is key for me! Putting water on a pedestal allows me to make it a priority.
I try hard to drink water and set a goal each day
Water is sooo important!! I need to have easy access to water or I will not drink anything.
These are some great tips on how to drink some more water, and most of need to do that! Thanks for sharing!
Stopping by from Katherine’s Corner linkup. Sometimes the days go so fast, I forget to drink as much water as I should. Thank you for the reminder!
Great tips! Thank you for linking-up with us at the Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday Link Party.
Wishing you an awesome week!
Found your blog on the A handful of everything bloghop and really enjoyed this post. We are sharing it via Twitter. Check out our blog and site and let us know what you think.
Yes, I need to drink more water for sure.
It is hard drinking water especially when it is so cold… but so important!! Thank you for these great tips!
Thanks for the tips! I am always looking for motivation to drink more water!!
The key to keeping water with me all the time… the fancy smancy water bottle! I love my Camelbak and Contigo bottles.
I’m guilty as charged – I don’t drink enough water and these are great tips to help me change that. Thank you! (found you on Totally Talented Tuesdays) Hugs
Thank you for this. This preggo mama still has issues with consuming enough water and every little tip helps!