If you are in need of a new Core Workout routine, then I’ve got a new one for you today! Check out this #NOEXCUSES Core Workout! The #NOEXCUSES Workout Series is a series of workouts that can be performed practically anywhere. Very little equipment, if any needed. And best of all…No Gym Membership required!! So…. >>>> #NOEXCUSES
So, let’s get to the Core Workout. Remember, before starting any new exercise program, talk with your physician.
WORKOUT DETAILS: This workout requires you to perform each exercise for 30 seconds. So perform one after the other, 30 seconds at a time. Repeat 4-6 times through.
PLANK JACKS: Get into the pushup position. Keeping your core tight, jump your legs out into a jumping jack. Jump your feet back together. Repeat.
BICYCLE CRUNCHES: Get in the Regular Crunch Position. You will be making a bicycle movement with your legs. Your elbows are going to move toward the opposite knee. So when your left knee is in towards your body, your right elbow will be in towards your knee. Repeat the twisting/bicycle motion back and forth. Keep your core tight.
SUPERMANS: Lay on your stomach, your arms straight out in front of you and your legs straight. Raise your arms and feet up off the floor and hold for 30 seconds. While you are holding the pose, remember to keep your core tight (belly button pulled up towards your spine)!
MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS: Get back into the pushup position (plank position but your arms are completely straight). Bring your left knee in towards your chest. Return to start position. Repeat on right side. Repeat back and forth. Keep your core tight.
REVERSE CRUNCHES: Get in the regular crunch position. Bring your legs up into the air. Place your hands down by your side or underneath your rear. With your core tight, lift your hips off the ground while keeping your legs straight in the air. Slowly lower your hips back down to the ground. Repeat.
SIDE PLANK: Get in the Plank position (pushup position but on your elbows), rotate onto one elbow, rotating your entire body to be perpendicular to the ground. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
REGULAR CRUNCHES: Get in the regular crunch position. Legs bent. Feet flat on the floor. Bring your belly button in towards your spine. Place your hands behind your head, fingertips on your ears. Slowly crunch by bringing your shoulders off the ground. Do not pull on your neck! Let your abs pull you up off the ground. Slowly lower back to the ground. Repeat.
PLANK ROTATIONS: Get in a pushup position. Rotate your body towards the left (your right arm will be supporting your upper body) while bringing your left hand up towards the ceiling. Slowly rotate back to the pushup position and repeat on the other side by rotating towards the right (your left arm will be supporting your upper body). Keep your core tight!
And there you have it!! A great core workout! Check out my other #NOEXCUSES Workouts here!
In Good Health!

Linking here: Share Your Cup
I really need to get back to a workout routine. Especially since summer is over and I won’t be able to get a lot of exercise outdoors. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup. I’m sure it’s not intentional, but I’m not seeing a link back to the party.