Hello friends! Welcome to the No Excuses Workout Series!! Do you see that key word in there??? NO EXCUSES!! This series will have workouts that can be performed practically anywhere with little to no equipment. Today’s workout is no exception. You could perform this workout without dumbbells or resistance bands. Good News….No Gym Membership required! Here’s today’s full-body workout…
Gather a pair of dumbbells and resistance band.
Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of jogging in place, walking up and down the stairs, chasing your kids, having a dance party.
Walking Lunges: 15 Walking Lunges on each side, for a total of 30 lunges. Core tight (belly button towards spine).
Push-ups: Either regular or modified on your knees. Core tight.
Bicycle Crunches: Lay on the ground, hands behind your head or fingers at your ears with elbows pointing out. Start by bringing your left elbow and right knee towards the middle of your body and then switch to bringing your right elbow and left knee towards the middle of your body. Keep repeating back and forth (your legs will mimic a bicycle motion). Keep your core tight!
1 min Jog in Place
Squats with Front Leg Kick: Stand with your feet hip width apart. Squat down. Pay attention so that your knees don’t push over your toes when you are in the squat. Stand back up and shift your weight to one side and bring the opposite side knee up and then kick with the lower portion of your leg. Repeat the squat and then kick with the other leg. 15 each side. Core tight! Hold on to dumbbells to make more challenging.
Front Shoulder Raise: Either use a dumbbell, resistance band or no weight. Stand tall, core tight. Raise your arms straight out in front of you, palms facing each other. Raise only to shoulder height and lower back down. Core tight. If you use a resistance band, turn the handle so that you can perform this exercise with your thumb side facing the ceiling (like your giving a thumbs up sign).
Supermans: Lie on your stomach on the floor. Extend your arms out in front of you. Bring your belly button in towards your spine and slowly bring your arms, upper body and legs off the floor. Slowly lower back down. Repeat. Core tight!
1 min High Knees: This is like jogging in place except your goal is to bring your knees up as high as you can.
Wall Sit: Find a sturdy wall. Place your back flat against the wall and slowly walk your feet out and lower your body down into a sitting position. Goal is to have a 90 degree angle at your knee and a 90 degree angle at your hip. Core tight!
Bicep Curls: Can be performed with or without weight or resistance bands. Stand with feet hip width apart, arms down by your side. Core tight. Slowly bring hands up (bending at the elbow, palms facing forward) towards shoulders and lower back down. Core tight!
One Arm Oblique Plank: Start in push-up position. Core tight! Shift weight to one arm and bring the other arm up in the air, fingers pointing to ceiling, and rotate your body into a side plank position (you will now be sideways with your supporting arm directly underneath your shoulder). Slowly lower back to push-up position and repeat to other side. 15 each side.
1 min Jog in Place
Bent Knee Dead Lift: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Bend knees just a bit. Arms by your side (can be performed with or without dumbbells). Slowly bend forward, making sure to bend at the hip joint and not the waist. Keep your back flat and straight. Bend down until your back is parallel to the floor, arms are hanging down in front of you. Slowly stand up, using your hamstrings and butt to lift you back up to standing position. Make sure you back stays flat the entire time and your core stays tight.
Squat Double Arm Rows: Take a resistance band and loop it around something sturdy. Lower yourself into a squat position. Core tight. Arms straight out in front of you. Pull your elbows backwards, making sure to lead with your shoulder blades. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the end of the movement and then slowly bring your arms back out in front of you. Stay in squat position and repeat the row.
1 min Plank
Repeat entire workout 2-3x’s.
5 minute Cool Down & Stretch!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!! Want training advice, ask that stuff too? Don’t want to leave a public comment, send me an email…pinkheelspinktruck(at)gmail(dot)com. Want some life/health coaching? I’ve got a 12-week program for you!
NO EXCUSES friends!!
You can find additional workouts and health & fitness posts here.
I’ve been running/strength training since I was 10-years-old and do many of these. Great list.
I just did a workout post today, too! I figured it was a great time to do one, just after the holidays. And I LOVE a good workout. Thanks for this!
All right, I’m trying this today. How long is the workout? I tend to get burned out if it’s over 30 min. 🙂
This is great timing for me – I just found out my regular class is shut until 20 Jan and don’t want to pay for something different, so this will keep me going in the meantime – thanks!
Great workout!! I love that this doesn’t require a gym and you described the exercises!!
This was perfect!! Exceot how much calories you think an average person would burn? Thank you!
Hi! I know you’re not supposed to do a full body workout every day so that your muscles can rest, but would only completing this workout one time through and going through it each day be as effective as doing it 2 – 3 times every other day?