I’m breaking my regular scheduled programing for today. I had slated (I’ve used that word like 5 times today!) another Blogging Edumacation post but I just wasn’t feeling it. Sometimes in the blog world, you have to sit back and make sure you are doing what you should be doing. Or what matters to you. Or what means something to you.
It’s all too easy to get caught up in the monotony of posting or scheduling or whatever it is that we do. Sometimes I just want to write. I’m good at the random writing. It’s how my brain works. It’s kind of like the site StumbleUpon. My thought processes just stumble from one to the next.
I don’t really have anything pressing on my mind. I just want a break. Have you ever felt that way? Where you wish you could just turn everything off for just a moment and just be. Living in a hotel by myself during the week affords me a lot of alone time. I don’t know anyone in this town. I have my co-workers but we don’t necessarily interact with each other on a daily basis. We are all contracted to work, so there is no such thing as an 8-5 or a 9-6.
At night, I try and busy myself with writing blog posts, keeping up with social media or reading a book. Over the last month or so I don’t think I’ve even turned on the tv. It amazes me that 5-6 hours can just completely go by in an almost blur. Most days I feel like I don’t even have enough time in the evening to do everything on my “to-do” list! And I live by myself during the week. How is that humanly possible??
Do you ever feel this way? Feel like sometimes life is just going by way too fast? Like you need a chance to just stop and smell the roses? I recently bought a 5 year Memory Journal. I have a horrible memory. I bought this and have been faithful in writing snippets of my daily life so that I have a written account of at least a few points when I want to see what I’ve been doing down the road. I have very few childhood memories. Most are burnt images on my brain of photographs I’ve seen and somehow it’s become a living memory, but I know had I not seen those photographs I wouldn’t have that memory at all. So over time I’ve recreated the memory from a photograph, and whether or not my version is the truth of the actual event, I’ll never know.
So now with my daily memory journal, I’m trying to be more purposeful in life. To create memories that will hopefully last. Instead of just writing “worked today; rained; wrote a blog post” I want to write about that time these loony girls were throwing soda’s out their car windows at my hubby and I while we’re all driving 70MPH on the highway or that time I went to the Farmers Market or that time that a famous author tweeted at me.
I want to live life with purpose. And so I am trying.
I totally feel like this a lot. Heck my oldest is going to be nine in August and I wonder what happen to the days when he was little. A journal is a fabulous idea!
I totally understand and feel the same way at times. Seems there is never enough time in the day to do all that needs to be done.
Living life with purpose. Yep, that’s what I want to do, too!!
I don’t know how you do it! I’m impressed you don’t watch a lot of TV. I was always watching some series on another on Netflix when I was traveling a lot. Any breaks/vacations in your future?
I feel like this every day. And I never watch TV either. I only work part time but I have 3 businesses & 2 blogs I’m trying to keep up with and I add more things to my to-do list every day then I can possibly cross off. I feel like the time is just flying by so fast it scares me, and I try to get up at 5am sometimes just to have a few more hours to try and get stuff done :/
I hate when the night flies by and I have done nothing at all! I used to watch tv from the time i got home until the time i went to bed, i have totally changed that (like you) and it is so much better.
I feel that way ALL.THE.TIME! I have a few minutes–even an hour or two–and feel like I should be writing or getting something else done instead of just taking a breath and BEING. But I think that sometimes we’re wired that way and it’s just hard to stop DOING.
This journal is a great idea…time goes by so fast running a business, blog, youtube, designing shoes, sewing bags, being a mom…the list goes on…I’ve tried to write out my whole day before..but maybe just one line a day is good enough so that all the memories won’t be lost..lol….my memories of the past are few and far between… I’m still amazed when friends tell me things about my past…it’s like WOW! I did that…LOL
*P.S.* found you from the Style Elixir Link up…love your blog!!
GOOD FOR YOU! Yes, I feel like life is going WAY too fast lately and i can’t slow it down. I have a horrible memory too, let me know how that journal is working for you. But then I would have to remember to bring it with me…LOL.