I am SOOO Excited for Cooler Temps to start making their way to Texas. We had a sneak preview this past weekend for about a day and I pulled out some of my Fall outfits to take advantage of it. I am loving some of the Fall trends that I’m seeing and I can’t wait to really start implementing some of them. Here’s a list of MUST HAVE items for your Fall Wardrobe! Check out these 9 Fall Wardrobe Essentials…
ONE | Beanies
I’m excited to try out this trend. It was around last year (well I’ve seen if around for the past few years) but I’ve never been brave enough to try and pull one off. So, this year I’m going for it and trying it for myself.
TWO | Booties
I have been on the hunt for the perfect creamy/brown bootie since this summer when I saw Korie Robertson (Duck Dynasty) wearing a pair on our cruise. I should totally try and tweet to her with the picture I have of her wearing them and being like…hey…help a sister out!! 😉
THREE | Knit Sweaters
I LOVE Knit Sweaters! I love knit cardi’s too! I just recently added a knit cardi to my closet and it’s been worn so much I’ve stretched out the sleeves…oops. A little wash/dryer action can shrink it back down so I’m good as new again. 😉
FOUR | Flannel
In case you missed it, I’ve already blogged 3 different Flannel looks that are going to be perfect for Fall! And I’m looking forward to busting out a few of my own looks.
FIVE | Statement Necklace
A statement necklace will help to turn your comfy/casual looks into chic comfy/casual. Finding the perfect statement necklace (or 2 or 3 or 4….) will be a great additional to bring your Fall Wardrobe up a notch.
SIX | Dark Wash Jeans
Dark Wash Jeans are my thing. I did the light wash in college and well, I’m digging the Dark Wash and have for some time. I think I like the contrast it provides with whatever top I’ve chosen to pair them with.
SEVEN | Military Jacket
I’ve come close to buying 2 different Military Jackets lately but didn’t because they were a bit longer than I wanted them to be. But don’t you worry, I’m actively searching for the PERFECT one. 😉
EIGHT | Riding Boots
My favorite pair of Riding Boots are about to be on their last leg. I’ve had them since 2011 and they have been in the trenches with me. They are my go to footware in the fall/winter and well, I just think it’s time to find a replacement pair. Although it’s going to be really hard because my boots….well, I’ve never found another pair like them.
NINE | Scarves
Yes…yes…yes to Scarves. Another way to pull your comfy/casual look together to add a bit of chic. Plus they keep your neck warm. Winning!!
What will you be adding to your Fall Wardrobe this year?

(Where I Party)
Yay for riding boots! Also love dark wash jeans and scarves.
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle