Have you ever thought about what you could tell your beginning blogger self? I wrote myself a letter full of advice to my beginning blogger self.
Dear Me…
Welcome to the blogging world!! It is one of the most amazing things you will ever get involved in. The community, the people you meet, the experiences that come your way are going to change your world forever.
Click here to continue to Texas Women Bloggers to read the rest of the article.
Image Used with Permission. Original Source: Texas Women Bloggers
Neely says
Can I please please please use this idea for a post?
Kelly says
This is such a great idea, I should try this – thanks for the inspiration!
Sparkles and Shoes
lori says
such a cute idea! its crazy to think back when I first started blogging… I had NO idea what it would turn into 🙂
Kat Curling says
What a great idea! I can’t begin to say how important it is to try and meet more people, especially when you come from a tiny east texas town where everyone thinks you dress weird and doesn’t understand what blogging is haha. Blogging has brought me so many friends and helped me connect with so many people and things. I’m so happy that I found the Texas Women Blogger’s page as well!