This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Soffe. All opinions are 100% mine.
Have you noticed how popular #selfies are these days? I can scroll through my Instagram feed and spot people snapping photos of themselves. Heck, even I snap selfies. There’s even a selfie stick to help you take a better selfie. Here’s a daunting statistic for you: more than 1 million selfies are posted You read that right. I was kind of blown out of the water myself.
We have social media platforms that encourage photo opps. More and more people are moving towards the visual trend. Magazines have been doing the visual thing for years. Now we have platforms that are selling visual. With the visual thing comes the feelings of inadequacy. Thoughts of “man, I wish my house looked that!” or “her makeup is spot on!” or “her kids look so well-mannered” or “why can’t I look like that?” It’s like these visual worlds are only showing the rainbows and roses. People want you to see what they want you to see. They want to perfect what goes out…a little filter here, a little edit there. Here’s an something alarming: There are studies that show a decreased intimacy and more shallow relationships for people that take selfies and that there is now this thing called “selfie-surgery”. Selfie-surgery?? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Seriously?? Okay, guys… what happened to the days of snapping pics of the ordinary?? What happened to hanging out with friends and sharing the picture frame love with them?? Instead of a #selfie, how about #TheUsProject movement??
Have you ever had anyone just say to you “get out there and live life”? It’s one of my mottos that I try really hard to work on every single day. As a blogger, it’s super easy to get stuck behind a computer. To not live your IRL life (in-real-life). If I know I need to get a blog post written, but life happens. I try to always choose life. A friend wants to go to the movies…I’m game! My husband wants to work on his car…let’s go! Take pictures of you living life with the people that matter the most to you. Capture the memories. Less selfies and more pictures of you with your friends. You are a product of your life experiences! How boring would you be if it only consisted of sitting behind a computer or you flying solo behind your camera screen? Your family and friends can always make your pictures more beautiful and meaningful!
So what is #TheUsProject movement? It’s everything I just described! Focusing more on capturing memories with your friends and family. It’s less selfies and more life capturing memories with those that matter to you.
So here’s my challenge to you:
Post photos of you and your friends on Instagram and tag #TheUsProject and me (@pnkheelspnktrk) for a chance to win #TheUsProject apparel from Soffe.
What are you waiting for??? Go LIVE LIFE!!!
(Where I Party)
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