In my last #bloggingedumacation lesson, I showed you how to locate your Google Analytics Keywords and why you should pay attention to what keywords are bringing people to your site. I talked about the “(not provided)” keyword that appears at the top of the keyword search list. I know many of you requested that I write a tutorial on how to “unlock” those keywords. That tutorial is coming up (hang tight!). In this lesson, I wanted to share a tutorial that can provide you more information about your keywords.
Let’s talk about the major differences between Google Analytics Keywords and Webmaster Tools Keywords:
1. There is about a 2-3 day delay in keyword results in Webmaster Tools and it only allows you to view data for the last 90 days. So download your info if you want to continue tracking it.
2. Webmaster Tools data is from Google’s Search feature only. So when you “google” something, Webmaster Tools tracks those keyword/phrase searches.
3. Webmaster Tools provides data on your top pages and top search queries relating to your website (ie…a sampling of your aggregated traffic instead of the full picture).
4. One of my favorite things about using Webmaster Tools: when you click on a keyword, it’ll show you where your visitor landed (ie what page it landed on through the keyword).
So, now that we know how Webmaster Tools differs, it’s important to note that it’s still a valuable tool. Download both keyword reports (Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools) and compare the two. You’ll get a bigger picture utilizing both reports about what keywords are bringing people to your site.
Here’s how you find your keyword results in Webmaster Tools:
1. Go to Google Webmaster Tools and log-in (if you are already logged in to your gmail or some other google product, it will send you to your “Home” page on Webmaster Tools).
5. Review your Keywords.
6. If you want to see what pages your keywords send people, click on one of them.
Now, go back to your Google Analytics Keywords and compare!
What other #bloggingedumacation topics would you like to see covered? Leave your requests in the comments!
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[…] Do you have an SEO plan for you blog? Are you familiar with SEO? aka Search Engine Optimization. I talk about how to find your Keyword Search Results in Google Analytics and how to find them in Google Webmaster Tools. […]