Do you have a Media Kit at the ready for when a brand asks for one? No?? No worries. I’m here to tell you what you should have in said Media Kit. So let’s get to this #bloggingedumacation lesson…all about Media Kits.
ONE | Contact Info
Make sure you have your Contact Info…your email address, blog URL, phone number (optional).
TWO | Profile Picture
Include a picture of yourself so brands can put a face with a blog!
THREE | About You
Write a 3-5 sentence blurb (aka elevator pitch) about you. What makes you tick? Where do you call home (state is fine!)? What do you do? Just a quick profile on yourself.
FOUR | Blog Topics
Give quick bullets on the topics that you cover on your blog.
FIVE | Social Media
Make sure you include the links to your social media accounts.
SIX | Stats
Include your most recent stats from your blog & social media accounts. It’s good to put in a 3-month average of your blog stats.
SEVEN | Reader Avatar (aka your Blue Person)
And no, I’m not talking about the movie. Describe your reader in a section on your Media Kit. When you are writing your posts, who is reading your site? Is it a she or a he? What is their age? What do they like? Tell a story about who your avatar is. Brands want to know who your readership is and whether or not their readership is your readership. So tell them!
A media kit shows a snapshot of what your brand is all about.
Some people include their rates on their Media Kit and some people don’t, so that’s totally optional and a personal preference.
Do you have a Media Kit??
Check out all of the lessons within the #bloggingedumacation series & my podcast, Boss Girl Creative.
(Where I Party)
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