Recently I’ve been chatting about the various things you should be doing daily for your blog. You can catch up with all of my previous #bloggingedumacation posts by clicking here. Today, we are chatting about your blog email. Now some people are super organized with their email. And some people are not. I fall somewhere in the middle. I try really hard to get through my inbox every day, but sometimes I get overwhelmed and it just stacks up. So, here’s a list of daily blogging to-do’s for your inbox.
1. It’s super important to immediately respond to all emails regarding sponsorships/reviews/partnerships. Do not put off the brands/PR reps that are seeking you out. Even if it’s an opportunity that you are not interested in. Respond quickly!!
Looking for an easy way to turn down a campaign? Here’s what I say:
Thanks for reaching out! At this time, I’m going to pass on this opportunity. Best of luck with your campaign!
2. It probably wouldn’t hurt to have a stock email response ready and waiting for any type of situation. Just make sure that you change EVERYTHING that needs to be changed before you hit that send button. Read, read and read again before you hit send!
3. Respond to the rest of your emails in a timely manner. If it helps to use a folder system in your inbox, I highly recommend that you do that. I create folders for the various campaigns I’m working on so that I can easily find those important emails.
4. Add important people to your contact list so that you never miss their emails!!
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