So as you can see, it is super simple to do a reverse image search on google. Now let’s learn why you should do a reverse image search on all of your images that you publish…and check them regularly.
ONE || Find out if someone is using/stealing your content. AKA Plagiarism. A reverse image search will allow you to see if someone is using your graphic without your permission. It will also show you if someone has used your graphic and also removed your logo…meaning serious stuff! (The kind of serious stuff that would cause you to have to send a Cease and Desist letter to the person using your graphic without your permission.) You could always try reaching out to the person asking them to give you credit for the post/image/content. But if they blatantly scrape your entire content/post…then a cease and desist letter is the route to go.
TWO || Find out if someone is quoting you without telling you that they are quoting you. Sometimes people will quote you and use your profile graphic or blog button to give you credit, but won’t reach out to you to tell you that they did so. Searching allows you to see who is quoting your content by using your graphic.
Have you ever performed a Reverse Image Search before?

This is a great tip! I never thought of doing a reverse image search, but I’ll definitely be trying it now.
I have used this technique before. It’s an easy and helpful tool.
Just image searched my profile pic. Phew, I’m safe for now 🙂 Great tip to do on photos periodically. Thanks!
Oh! I didn’t know about this!
Definitely going to try it out! Love this series, Taylor! 🙂
I use google reverse image search all the time when I find things on Pinterest that are linked incorrectly. I haven’t done much with my own photos. I probably should.
I’m adding this to my new list of blogging habits! Thanks for the heads up.
I love this trick! Found this out from watching Catfish
Thanks so much for that. I just spent 10 minutes looking through photos. Pinning this for future reference.
Thanks Taylor this was very helpful and could really come in handy when I need to know where a pic came from.
YESSS! When I frequented wedding forums there were constantly pictures posted “where is this dress from?” and unfortunately there is no LMGTFY for reverse image searching.
You are such a wealth of blogger knowledge. Tried it on one of my pics. Found lots of Pinterest references…
This is really helpful! I will be utilizing this!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
That is good to know. I’ve only recently started adding my logo or name to graphics and pictures. May need to take a peek at some of that.
I have not, but have wanted to know how… and now I know how! Pinned.
Thank you so much sharing! It is always good to have your bases covered 🙂
Thanks so much for this info! I keep meaning to do this, because I don’t want to suddenly find pictures of my children advertising something stupid or being used in other sinister ways. Much appreciated!
Thanks for the tip. Now I know how I’ll be spending my New Year’s Eve, ha!
I have never done that before. Good to know. Thanks for the advice.
Thank you for this post! Such great info to know… and I just spent way too much time reverse searching a bunch of my popular photos. 🙂 So far, so good.
Hi, Taylor! I’m visiting from ARWB tonight, and I have really enjoyed reading your edumacation series. Such good stuff here! Thanks for sharing!
Amazing post! I think this is something not many people are aware of. Thanks for sharing 🙂